Our Staff
Dott.ssa Antonella Venditti
Board of Directors – Notary’s Assistant since 1987
After reading Legal Studies at the Seconda Università Degli Studi Di Napoli” and graduation, Ms Venditti gained substantial experience in every aspect of the Notary’s activity. She is Chief Office Manager and Chief of Staff. She also provides support in a secretarial capacity to the Notary. She is in charge of the overall analysis of the offices’ files and of their distribution to individual employees. She oversees meetings with leading clients and corporate clients.
Email: avenditti@notaifuccillo.it
Telephone 0773/887394 Extension: 208
Avv. Antonio Corrado Cicciarelli
A member of the Bar of Solicitors of the Provincia di Latina (membership number 593).
He is a collaborator in the sector of the management of real estate procedures legally recommended by Latina’s Court of Law. He is a practicing Solicitor within and outside of court proceedings lending his professional legal assistance to private citizens and businesses in various legal fields.
Email: acicciarelli@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 212
Dott. Giovanni Berlingò
Acting Notary - Notary Trainee since 2008
He graduated in Law at the Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. In 2010 he completed his Notary traineeship and acquired expertise in the field of Corporate Law through his attendance of courses at the Notary Schools “Anselmo Anselmi” in Rome and “Casale” in Naples. He assists in the preparation and drafting of Deeds, as well as dealing with clients belonging to the Corporate Law sector.
Email: gberlingo@notaifuccillo.it
Tel:0773/887394 Extension: 204
Roberta Cecchini
Level 1 Employee – Notary’s Assistant since 1998
She is in charge of preparing and drafting property Deeds (sales, gifts, distributions, etc.) and mortgages (specifically preliminary reports required by banks). She deals directly with clients in the sector of real estate transfers (both private and businesses) and in the drafting of mortgages. She also assists clients with estate successions and with mortgage searches and related certificates. In the past she has acquired substantial experience in the post-drafting phase of Deeds, and is continuously up to speed with methods and practices of electronic notary practice.
Email: rcecchini@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 207
Michela Capuccilli
Level 1 Employee- Notary’s Assistant since 2002
She is in charge of preparing and drafting Corporate Law Deeds (Company foundation, memoranda, assignment of shares) and mortgages. She deals directly with business clients in the fields of Corporate Law and business mortgages, in particular with regards mortgage searches, Chamber of Commerce company registration and bankruptcy, as well as the drafting of preliminary reports for banks, dealings with banks prior and post-drafting (camera-ready copies). She also assists with registration with the appropriate Chamber of Commerce, the certification of company books and statements from invoices for the purpose of Cease and Desist orders. In the past she acquired significant expertise in the field of post-Deed-drafting procedures, with a focus on the digital forwarding of Deeds to the Business Directory.
Email: mcapuccilli@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 206
Chiara Nasato
Level IV Employee – Notary’s Assistant since 2006
She deals mainly with the drafting of Deeds for real estate transactions (sales, purchases, gifts). She deals directly with real estate clients. She undertakes Deed post-drafting procedures. She assists in the sector of “Real Estate Implementations”.
Email: cnasato@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 203
Stefania Ziulu
Level IV Employee – Notary's Assistant since 2006
Employed in the consultation of Property Deeds and Real Estate Implementations in liaison with the Real Estate Record Office of Latina’s Court of Law. She is active in the book-keeping and archiving of files, incoming and outgoing invoices, drafting and registration of “prime entry”, and management and reconciliation of bank Current Accounts. She has experience in the field of post- drafting Deed procedures in the real estate sector.
Email: sziulu@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 211
Anastasia Marchetti
Level IV Employee – Notary's Assistant since 2010
She deals with the Deeds concerning property transactions such as gifts and sales, with the related follow-up post-drafting procedures. She also offers initial client care and assistance in the production of authenticated copies, general signature authentication and vehicle transfers.
Email: amarchetti@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394 Extension: 201
Pina Di Raimo

Employed in the accountancy sector (document storage, incoming and outgoing payments, bank accounts,…).
Email: amministrazione@notaifuccillo.it
Tel: 0773/887394
Extension: 204
Interno telefonico: 204