Notary Antonio Fuccillo
The Notary PROF. ANTONIO FUCCILLO is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Law in The Seconda Università degli Studi of Naples.

After obtaining a degree in Law at the Federico the Second University in Naples on 15/3/1989, he pursued a specialisation in Ecclesiastic Law on 28/10/1992 at the same University. He obtained his licence to carry out the legal profession on 29/10/1992 with top marks. After becoming a Notary he acted as chief of the Notary Offices in Agnone (IS) between 1996 and 1997 and is now in charge of the Notary Offices of Sezze (LT) following direct nomination by a Ministerial Decree on 4/12/1997. On 19/11/1996 he obtained his Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy) of VIII cycle, with an outcome of “Outstanding”. In 2002 he was declared “Qualified” (Idoneo) after winning a tender for the post of University Professor (Band II), and in 2010 he reached the top rank of Full Professor (Band I). He has taught at the following Universities: Università degli Studi del Molise, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Università degli Studi di Teramo and is currently Full Professor at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, where he is teaching courses leading to the Masters’ Degree in Law.
In the Notary field he has acted as permanent member of the National Commission for access and for the National Commission of the Schools of Specialisation. In 2005 he was elected member of the examining commission for the Notary Exam. He is the author of several publications, among which five monographs analysing, respectively, the circulation of cultural artefacts of a religious nature, the Clergy’s contractual procedures, Common Law marriage, cohabitation agreements and religious multiculturalism, as well as acquisition of property and financial transaction in a clerical context.
He also acted as Scientific Director in a Research Unit on “Religious diversity and democratic participation: tools for financing”, situated in the framework of Nationally Significant Research (PRIN) on “Religion, economic democracy and cooperation in the Mediterranean Eurozone. Partnership and good practice”. He has given talks at several conferences, both in the remit of Notary practices and in other frameworks.